Category: Health

  • Do I need a Shower Water Filter ?

    Do I need a Shower Water Filter ?

    So you want to know if you need a shower water filter? I could just say yes, but it would come off as just trying to sell a water filter. Lets give you some reasoning. First lets ask why do you think you need one. You must be having hard water stains in your shower,…

  • Best Fluoride Water Filter Pitcher

    Best Fluoride Water Filter Pitcher

    Being concerned with what kind of water you drink should be a concerning topic and finding the best fluoride water filter pitcher should top priority. Why? because fluoride lowers IQ and can be contributing factor in health problems. So what is fluoride anyways? First off there are two types of fluoride. Natural fluoride found naturally…

  • There are a Natural cures for cancer.

    There are a Natural cures for cancer.

    So There’s a natural cures for cancer? Yes there are many things that help cancer suffers. So lets get into some of the cures out there. First Thing that comes to mind is Turkey tail. The Power of Turkey Tail Mushroom in Fighting Cancer Turkey tail mushroom, scientifically known as Trametes versicolor, is a remarkable…

  • Reviving Your Libido in Your 40s

    Reviving Your Libido in Your 40s

    Reviving Your Libido in Your 40s: A Guide to Renewed Passion The 40s a decade often marked by maturity and wisdom. But for many, it’s also a time of changing sexual vitality. If you’re noticing such a shift, you’re far from alone, and “Reviving Your Libido in Your 40s” is not just a possibility—it’s a…

  • Benefits of Turkey Tail Mushroom

    Benefits of Turkey Tail Mushroom

    Benefits of Turkey Tail Turkey Tail Mushrooms have been integral to traditional medicine for centuries, and among them, the Turkey Tail mushroom stands out as a particularly potent health ally. Named for its colorful, fan-like appearance resembling the tail of a turkey, this mushroom, scientifically known as Trametes versicolor, offers a range of benefits that…

  • Stubborn Belly Fat: The Link to a Low-Functioning Liver

    Stubborn Belly Fat: The Link to a Low-Functioning Liver

    Stubborn Belly Fat, Liver Health, and Environmental Toxins Battling stubborn belly fat isn’t just about diet and workouts. Our liver plays a significant role. It filters out a massive 85,000 environmental toxins, from the food we eat to pollutants in the air. Over time, these toxins can strain our liver. And the result? An increase…

  • The Pineal Gland: The Mysterious Third Eye.

    The Pineal Gland: The Mysterious Third Eye.

    The pineal gland is a small part of our brain that’s shaped like a pine cone. Some people call it the ‘third eye’ because of its importance in spiritual beliefs. It has a lot of stories and meanings attached to it. We will look into what this gland does and discuss a topic called ‘decalcification.’…

  • Why do you need a water filtering system?

    Why do you need a water filtering system?

    Our reliance on tap water is undeniable, yet depending on its source and regional variations, the water flowing from our taps may contain a multitude of contaminants. Most municipal water supplies undergo rigorous treatment processes to meet safety standards. With these treatments, some contaminants may persist at trace levels, and a good water filtering system…